Friday, April 3, 2009

I don't like Gayvangelists

I'm not homophobic.

I have a lot of gay, bi, lesbian, swinger friends.

But what really annoys me are the Gayvangelists.

These are people who actively & even aggressively promote their lifestyle as 'the' best life.

In a gathering, they would veer the conversation towards sex, promiscuity & orgies.  I like sex. I don't care how many partners people have been with or are currently doing it with. I do not even bristle at the weirdest fetishes. Because of this a lot of my friends confide their wildest sexcapades with me. 


What I mind are those who would point to me and say, "You should try this, this is such a liberating experience!" "What are you afraid of?" "When you do this, you will be more open, happier..." "Imagine how amazing what your life would be if you join in this lifestyle!"

The most annoying part is whenever we meet, they would push & push & push me to try their lifestyle, brandishing how 'liberated' I would be if I just tried.

You know the funny part? They usually intersperse this speil with stories of their unproductive complicated 'love life'. They would cry on my shoulder as to how lonely or abused they feel.


It's a good thing I have a sordid fascination for train wrecks. Sordid dramas yield interesting stories.

Just don't push me to be one of you in that way, kk?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour

Good concept to bring the situation to the consciousness of the general public.

The problem is, it gives people a false sense of accomplishment. Turning your lights off for one hour and you've already done your part for the environment. There's just something so wrong about it.

And here, the major proponents are the malls and the media stations. It's like an oil company sponsoring environmental conservation. It's a smokescreen. It's just PR to show that the company 'cares' about the environment they're raping by the minute.

But better something like that than nothing at all.

But it shouldn't end there. People should be conscious how their actions or inactions affect this planet. 

What is Earth hour compared to being conscious of turning off your lights and appliances when you don't need it? Who amongst us take the time to do composting of our household waste? Who bothers to recycle? Who bothers to segregate? Who bothers to inconvenience themselves to take the public transportation once in a while and leave their cars at home?

Earth hour's a good concept, but don't buy into the propaganda that it's enough. Don't buy into the propaganda that it absolves the companies who organizes it from the ravages they do daily to the environment.